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Revision as of 03:42, 28 August 2010 by Peter Most (talk | contribs)
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Getting started

Go to your development directory and checkout the wxQT branch with:

svn checkout http://svn.wxwidgets.org/svn/wx/wxWidgets/branches/wxQT

this creates the wxQT directory in your development directory. If you want to work in a different named directory, then create your working directory first, change into it and call

svn checkout http://svn.wxwidgets.org/svn/wx/wxWidgets/branches/wxQT .

note the dot at the end of the command!

Now create the build directory e.g.: 'build_qt_debug' and from it call:

../configure --with-qt --enable-debug

Adding files

To add a Qt derived class simply put it in a .h file and add the corresponding .moc.cpp file to the buid/bakefiles/files.bkl e.g.:

<set var="QT_LOWLEVEL_HDR" hints="files">

<set var="QT_LOWLEVEL_SRC" hints="files">

Regenerate the autoconf files with:

bakefile_gen --formats autoconf

Generate the 'configure' script in your wxQt root directory with:


The build rule in build/bakefiles/qtrules.mk:

$(srcdir)/src/qt/%.moc.cpp: $(srcdir)/include/wx/qt/%.h
	moc $< -o $@

will then ensure that the .h file gets translated by the moc to a .moc.cpp file which will be compiled and linked like any other source file. You don't have to put it in a separate .h file, you can put it in the same header as the wx class, but you can't embed it in the .cpp file i.e.:

// include/wx/qt/menuitem.h

class wxMenuItem : public wxMenuItemBase
   // ...

class wxQtAction : public QAction

    wxQtAction( wxMenuItem *menuItem, const QString &text, QObject *parent );

private Q_SLOTS:
    void OnActionTriggered( bool checked );

    wxMenuItem *m_menuItem;

Coding guidelines

  • If you leave out an implementation for whatever reason, then mark it with the wxMISSING_IMPLEMENTATION() macro from wx/qt/utils.h i.e.:
void wxSomeClass::SomeMethod()

or if only some implementation is missing like evaluating flags:

void wxSomeClass::SomeMethod( unsigned methodFlags )
    wxMISSING_IMPLEMENTATION( "methodFlags" );
  • To avoid name clashes with a 3rd party library like boost, don't use the internal moc keywords 'signals' and 'slots' but the replacements Q_SLOTS and Q_SIGNALS i.e.:
class wxQtClass : public QClass
private Q_SLOTS:
    void OnSignal();

Naming conventions

  • Global helper classes and global functions should be prefixed with 'wxQt' i.e.:
class wxQtButton : public QPushButton

QRect wxQtConvertRect( const wxRect & );
  • Internal methods in publicly visible classes (like wxWindow) should be prefixed with 'Qt' i.e.:
class wxWindow : public wxWindowBase
    QWidget *QtGetContainer() const;

Port status

A table attempting to summarize progress in the port can be found at WxQt/Status.

I (Peter Most) can be contacted on the developer mailing list.