WxMac-specific topics

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See also the wxMac FAQ, and Getting Started on OS X

My app can't be brought to the front!

This is a common problem met by people new to wxMac. Simply building a wxWidgets app from terminal and producing a raw executable is not enough on wxMac. You need to build an application bundle (there is a section about this below). The most easy way to get a bundle is to use an "Application" target in xCode (a "shell tool" target will not produce a bundle). Another possible way to solve this quickly is to add the following lines of code to your app :

#include <ApplicationServices/ApplicationServices.h>

ProcessSerialNumber PSN;

The Mac OS menu bar

All versions of Mac OS have a single menu bar at the top of the screen. While pop-up menus and context-sensitive menus are supported and are appropriate under some circumstances, Mac windows never have their own menu bar.

wxMac handles this automatically by displaying the menu bar associated with each wxFrame at the top of the screen whenever that frame is in front. If your program has multiple frames and the user brings a different frame to the front, that frame's menu bar will be switched in.

Warning: be careful of modeless windows which do not have menu bars. (Modal dialogs are okay.) If a modeless window gets brought to the front and it doesn't have a menu bar, the last menu bar will stay at the top of the screen. When the user selects something from one of these menus, the selection might never get handled, since the active frame doesn't recognize the command. You have two choices: either handle your commands in your wxApp subclass (since the commands will eventually get sent there), or create a degenerate wxMenuBar for all of your frames (maybe with only a Quit item).

On the Mac, the name of the item which exits the program is traditionally called "Quit" instead of "Exit". wxMac handles this for you - just name the item "Exit" and wxMac will change it for you.

Keyboard shortcuts use the command-key (the cloverleaf or open-apple key on the keyboard) instead of the control key. wxMac lets you specify keyboard shortcuts MS Windows style, and they are automatically translated. So Open should be specified as "&Open\tCtrl+O", and on the Mac the accelerator will be removed and the Ctrl will be replaced with a cloverleaf in the menu.

The layout of Mac menus is slightly different, and here is where you will have to add a line of code to your program to accomodate it. On the Mac, the "About" menu item should go in a particular place (in the Apple menu on Mac OS 8/9, or in the program menu on Mac OS X). wxMac will automatically move it for you if you tell it the ID of your About item:

#ifdef __WXMAC__
wxApp::s_macAboutMenuItemId = AboutID;

On Mac OS X, the Preferences item goes in a special place, too. To tell it the ID of your Preferences item:

#ifdef __WXMAC__
wxApp::s_macPreferencesMenuItemId = PreferencesID;

Look at defs.h for other such items.

Remark: You might have to tell wxMac the name of your help menu as well, since it assumes that it's "&Help". For example add the following lines

#ifdef __WXMAC__
wxApp::s_macHelpMenuTitleName = "Help";

if your help menu has the name "Help".

You can achieve similar effects by using standard widget IDs. Here is a list of the Mac IDs that might have to be tweaked if you don't use their standard names (from defs.h): wxID_ABOUT, wxID_EXIT, wxID_PREFERENCES, wxID_HELP.

See also the wxMac FAQ.

When to close the program

On all versions of the Mac OS, it is okay for a program to be open but to have no windows open at all. This is similar to how a MS Windows MDI program can have its MDI Parent Frame open with no documents open within it, but on the Mac it has no open frames at all. The only clue that the program is active is that the menu bar changes.

If your program is dialog-based or otherwise just has one main frame, don't worry about this. When the user closes the main program or dialog, your program can just exit.

On the other hand, if your program is document-based, a Mac user will be confused if he/she closes a frame and the whole program exits. The user may have been intending to close one document and then open another.

If you want to support this behavior, there is a standard wxApp call, SetExitOnFrameDelete(), which tells the program not to exit when its last top-level frame is closed. To setup the menubar to be displayed when no frames are open, there is a wxMac-only static function in wxMenuBar, MacSetCommonMenuBar().

bool myApp::OnInit() {
  wxMenuBar *menubar = new wxMenuBar;
  // add open, new, etc options to your menubar.

Alternatively, you may employ a little trick: create an offscreen frame with a menu bar (give it top-left coordinates of [5000, 5000] or something like that, but don't hide it using wxFrame::Hide). Give the frame a style of wxFRAME_NO_TASKBAR, so that the frame does not appear under the "Window" menu. When all of your other frames are closed, this frame will be the frontmost, and its menu bar will appear. This menu bar should include items like Open, Quit, and maybe Preferences.

On OSX, creating a window of wxSize(0,0) and window style 0 also works to create an invisible window - however this does not work under Classic.


OS X uses its own icon format : .icns. You can easily create icns files using an app like CocoThumbX.

To perform file associations (in other words, you have an application called WixWriter which creates documents of type "Wix". You want to make sure that ".wix" documents get an appropriate icon and that your application is opened whenever someone double-clicks on a ".wix" file), you will need to create an Info.plist file inside the application's bundle folder.

Saving files with types and creators

Even if your application doesn't need to create its own custom documents, you may want to be able to get or set the Type and Creator of files. On the Mac, every file has a four-character Type code which specifies the type of the file independent of its three-character extension (which is not required), and also a four-character Creator code which matches the "signature" of the application that created it.

There are methods in wxFilename which allow you to get or set these codes:

bool wxFileName::MacSetTypeAndCreator( wxUint32 type , wxUint32 creator )
bool wxFileName::MacGetTypeAndCreator( wxUint32 *type , wxUint32 *creator )
bool wxFileName::MacSetDefaultTypeAndCreator()
bool wxFileName::MacFindDefaultTypeAndCreator( const wxString& ext , wxUint32 *type , wxUint32 *creator )
void wxFileName::MacRegisterDefaultTypeAndCreator( const wxString& ext , wxUint32 type , wxUint32 creator )

Note that types and creators are defined as wxUint32 instead of a string or character type because all Mac compilers allow you to specify types and creators as: 'TEXT', 'APPL', 'ttro', 'R*ch', etc. - where the four characters are packed into one 32-bit int.

If you want to set the type of a file (for example before distributing it), you can do something like this:

/Developer/Tools/Rez -t HTBD -o myfile.htb < /dev/null

This sets the wxWidgets HTML help file 'myfile.htb' to the appropriate type to invoke the HelpView application (see utils/helpview/src, CVS HEAD).

If you are creating an application bundle folder on Mac OSX, you can also list file types in your application's Info.plist. See Apple developer documentation for more information.

Opening files by double-clicking and/or drag-and-drop

In order to have your application handle files that are dropped on the application icon, and respond to doubleclicking on the documents that it created, override virtual void wxApp::MacOpenFile(const wxString &fileName)

This is handled automatically in wxMac-2.8.4 (osx)

Installing programs under Mac

Basically under Mac, users expect a simple copy install. I.e. you deliver them a disk image or a compressed folder, and they simply drag it to the place they like. You can of course also use installers:


or StuffIt InstallerMaker from http://www.aladdinsys.com

If you go OSX, you can use the free package manager:


One reason why you may not need an installer on the Mac is that file associations are effectively set up by the application itself, which sets the creator type for the documents it creates so that Finder knows to launch your application.

Converting .rsrc files into .r files

If you are copying your project files onto non Apple Volumes, or storing them into a cvs, you may prefer to convert the binary .rsrc files into textual representations (like the .rc file on msw). You can do this via the DeRez terminal tool. This tool is available under OSX via /Developer/Tools/DeRez , or if you are on MacOS Classic only via MPW. Type DeRez followed by the full pathname to your .rsrc file, followed by a redirect output >> to your target .r filename.

You can now commit this .r file to your cvs and add it to your CodeWarrior Project instead of the .rsrc file.

To DeRez your file using CodeWarrior, make sure the RSRC file mapping in your project settings has Rez as the compiler and .rsrc as the extension. Also create a mapping with the same settings but a lower-case rsrc type instead of RSRC, to be on the safe side. Using ResEdit and showing the Info for your icon, make sure the type is set to RSRC (and not, for example, Icon). Now add your .rsrc file and select the Project Disassemble menu item to get a text version of the file, which you can then save as a .r file and add back to your project. Then clear the .rsrc file from your project. Phew! Do a Google Groups search on "DeRez CodeWarrior" for more detail on this.

Julian Smart writes: the above is a bit overcomplicated, so here's my own recipe for getting icons working on MacOS X using CodeWarrior.

1) Prepare PNG images, with transparency, on a Windows machine or other system of your choice using (for example) Paint Shop Pro or Gimp. Prepare 16x16, 32x32, 64x64 and 128x128 PNGs with 16 or 256 colours (the 128x128 could and should have an alpha channel but so far I've just been working with simple transparency). Copy these to the Mac.

2) On MacOS X, create a new icon in Icon Composer (see the Developer folder for this utility). In Finder, open each PNG in turn, copy the image to the clipboard, then select the relevant icon outline in Icon Composer, and paste the icon into it, choosing to create the mask automatically when prompted. Do not attempt to import the PNG from a file since this can crash Icon Composer. Now save the icns file.

3) Launch Iconographer, a shareware icon editor, and open the icns file you previous saved. For the missing icons listed in various bit depths, copy one of the others of the same dimensions and paste into the blanks. Note that pasting from the Finder doesn't seem to preserve masks in Iconographer (or at least in the version I have), hence the use of Icon Composer as a first step. Save as a Mac OS Universal (Resources) file when you're done.

4) Now run DeRez on the file, e.g. /Developer/Tools/DeRez myicons > myicons.r.

5) Open myicons.r in a text editor, and do a global substitution changing the negative number specified in each icon resource to e.g. 128 as specified in your bundle .r file (see samples/docview/docview.r for an example bundle). If you don't have seperate icons for application and document, you can make a copy of the icons in myicons.r and change e.g. 128 to 129.

6) Add myicons.r to your project.

Getting Correct Icons for your application & documents

You will need to set the information correctly in the Info.plist file inside your app bundle. Example (full docs can be found at Apple and are out of the scope of this document)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
	<key>CFBundleDevelopmentRegion</key>       <string>English</string>
	<key>CFBundleExecutable</key>              <string>your_executable_name</string>
	<key>CFBundleInfoDictionaryVersion</key>   <string>6.0</string>
	<key>CFBundlePackageType</key>             <string>APPL</string>
	<key>CSResourcesFileMapped</key>           <true/>
	<key>CFBundleVersion</key>                 <string>your app version, e.g. 1.5</string>
	<key>CFBundleShortVersionString</key>      <string>your app version, e.g. 1.5</string>
	<key>CFBundleName</key>                    <string>your apps user-visible name</string>
	<key>CFBundleIconFile</key>                <string>your_app_icon.icns</string>
	<key>CFBundleDocumentTypes</key> <array>
                                <!-- Here goes the file formats your app can read -->
			<key>CFBundleTypeIconFile</key>      <string>icon_for_your_documents.icns</string>
			<key>CFBundleTypeName</key>          <string>User-visible description for these documents, e.g. image files</string>
			<key>CFBundleTypeRole</key>          <string>Editor</string>
			<key>LSIsAppleDefaultForType</key>   <true/>
			<key>LSTypeIsPackage</key>           <false/>

Building a MacOSX application bundle

MacOSX introduces a new way of putting together an application. Instead of adding a resource fork to the executable file, you can simply create a special directory (folder). This is the preferred method for OSX.

In it's most basic form, on OSX application bundle is a set of nested folders, with your executable in the "MacOS" folder:

  • YourApp.app
    • Contents
      • MacOS
        • YourApp (this is your executable file)
      • Resources
        • ...

Instead of being embeded in a resource fork, your application's resources can be placed as seperate files in "Contents/Resources". Additional metadata about your application can be contained in "Contents/Info.plist" and "Contents/version.plist". Locale/Language-specific data is contained in "Contents/Resources/<Language>.lproj". Dependent libraries and frameworks (e.g. wxWidgets) can also be contained in the bundle folders.

For more information on the file formats and layout of an application bundle folder, consult the Apple developer website. For example: http://developer.apple.com/documentation/CoreFoundation/Conceptual/CFBundles/CFBundles.html

If you are using XCode or ProjectBuilder, those tools will create an application bundle for you with metadata plist files based on values you enter in the project settings. See the wxWidgets example programs for a method to create an application bundle folder from makefiles. A basic bundle folder can be created from "make" with the following rule:

YourApp.app: Info.plist YourApp version.plist InfoPlist.strings YourAppMacIcons.icns AnotherResource.txt  
   -mkdir YourApp.app    
   -mkdir YourApp.app/Contents
   -mkdir YourApp.app/Contents/MacOS
   -mkdir YourApp.app/Contents/Resources
   -mkdir YourApp.app/Contents/Resources/English.lproj
   cp Info.plist YourApp.app/Contents/
   cp version.plist YourApp.app/Contents/
   cp InfoPlist.strings YourApp.app/Contents/Resources/English.lproj/
   echo -n 'APPL????' > YourApp.app/Contents/PkgInfo
   cp YourApp YourApp.app/Contents/MacOS/YourApp
   cp YourAppMacIcons.icns AnotherResource.txt YourApp.app/Contents/Resources/

Then you can run "make YourApp.app", or you can add "YourApp.app" as a dependency of "all". In my applications, I use autoconf, and generate Info.plist, version.plist, etc. from templates using configure.

Universal Binaries

As of wxWidgets 2.6.3, there is support for building "universal binaries" (i.e., binaries that will run on both PPC and Intel Macs). There are two approaches:

  • Pass --enable-universal_binary to configure when building wxWidgets. This will easily create a library that will work with Tiger (Mac OS X 10.4) and the latest Panther release (Mac OS X 10.3.9).
  • If you use something older : build the library and your application once for PPC and once for Intel, and lipo them together:
   % lipo -create hello-intel hello-ppc -output hello              

More details on the lipo technique can be found near the bottom of this mailing list message

Fink Caveats

  • If you have Fink installed, make sure there are no CFLAGS or LDFLAGS set in your .profile. Why? Fink doesn't build Universal binaries. The wxWidgets configure script will attempt to use the Fink versions of certain libraries (in particular libiconv) instead of the ones shipped with the Apple Developer Tools, resulting in link errors when the libraries are built. Unsetting the CFLAGS and LDFLAGS lines in your .profile and reopening Terminal/xterm should work. Note that just running Fink's init.sh won't interfere with wxWidgets; these are lines that have to be added to your .profile manually during the Fink setup process.

OS X 10.5 Leopard issues

If you get errors like:

ld: in /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk/usr/local/lib/libPng.dylib, file is not of required architecture for architecture ppc

You might need to add this to your configure line: --with-macosx-sdk=/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.5.sdk --with-macosx-version-min=10.4

Someone should verify if this can work if used with a lower min version than 10.4.

Making apps look better on mac

Mac users expect apps on OS X to look pretty. If it doesn't look pretty you'll have cranky users. Cranky users can be avoided by implementing some of these tips. (This page is, of course, a work in progress)

This could also be seen as a page where wxMac specific functionality is documented...

Application Level

  • Handling files opened by double-clicking a file (or dragging file onto application): Implement the wxApp virtual method MacOpenFile. This is handled automatically for you if you use the Document/View Framework
  • Not Quitting when last window closes: (Mac users don't expect this behavior): call wxApp's SetExitOnFrameDelete(false) somewhere in you app (in your OnInit() maybe?)

Top Level Windows

  • The System Option mac.window-plain-transition can get rid of the "zooming" window transition that happens automatically when a window is opened or closed.
wxSystemOptions::SetOptionInt( wxMAC_WINDOW_PLAIN_TRANSITION, 0 )
  • Modal wxDialogs should not have enabled close buttons on them. Make sure your styles for wxDialog based instances of this type do not contain wxCLOSE_BOX. See the discussion of dialog boxes in the Apple Human Interface Guidelines


Usually wxSMALL_FONT, etc do the right thing on OS X. But sometimes the HIGs recommend a font that doesn't exist as a preexisting wxWidgets font. There's an answer to this:

wxFont macFont;

macFont.MacCreateThemeFont(APPEARANCE MANAGER FONT ID );

The list of possible parameters for this function is found at Appearance Manager: Font IDs. The Human Interface Guidelines Font Section is useful for seeing the font required for a given situation. (Use the Carbon Constant!)

Automatic spellchecking

  • Spell Checking: OS X comes with a built-in spell checker for editable text controls that want to turn it on. OS X users expect their text to be spell checked, except in places where this checking just doesn't make any sense (like logs or source code).

By default this feature is off, but you can turn it on by default by turning on the system option wxMAC_TEXTCONTROL_USE_SPELL_CHECKER

wxSystemOptions::SetOptionInt( wxMAC_TEXTCONTROL_USE_SPELL_CHECKER, 1 );

If you want to turn spell checking on for an individual control, but not for every text control in your app, call the wxTextCtrl's MacCheckSpelling(spellCheckerOn).

wxTextCtrl* myTextControl = ....

#if __WXMAC__
myTextControl->MacCheckSpelling(true);   spell checking on!