Talk:Eclipse, CDT & MingW & MSYS Setup Guide

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I have compiled this guide in order to save others the hassles that I have had getting my IDE configuration of choice to run. I will continue to update it. But I am by no means an expert on any of this stuff, so I had to refer to many different sources to solve the problems I experienced. I will try to list them all below, in about the order that I learned from them.

Many many thanks go out to:

  • The developers of the gnu c/c++ compiler, wxWidgets, Eclipse, MSYS and MinGW
    • for their great projects
  • The authors of the wxWiki
    • for the Eclipse CDT & MinGW Setup Guide
  • The community in comp.soft-sys.wx-windows
    • for a lot of solved mysteries on my side
  • Vadim Zeitlin and Julian Smart from the wxWidgets project
    • for answering a lot of my initial (& more specific) questions on wxWidgets
  • Max Berger (
    • for his very good guide on Eclipse CDT setup with MSYS/MinGW, I took a lot of info from there
  • Werner Smekal from comp.soft-sys.wx-windows
    • for telling me how to use --disable-shared on the wxWidgets configure script to build static libraries
  • Rui Gonçalves, Robert Vesco
    • for their feedback on this guide, pointing out mistakes & making suggestions to improve it

In the hopes that I didn't forget anyone. But in general, credits also to google for providing all those nifty useful search results *g*