Downloading and installing wxWidgets

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wxWidgets can be downloaded from here.

A screenshot of the download page at

Choosing the right package

The wxAll package includes the source for all supported platforms. Those wishing to develop for more than one platform might choose this option, and often extract it to a network share.

Otherwise, you can select a single package for your platform. On Linux, it is generally better to use wxGTK than wxX11.


Download and install

wxWidgets is available for download in multiple flavors for the Windows platform. You only need one of these downloads:

  • Installer - The wxMSW setup executable that will install wxWidgets for you.
  • Archive - Multiple archive formats (e.g. zip) containing everything needed in the wxMSW packages. If you downloaded one of the archive formats, installing it is as easy as unpacking it and moving the root folder where ever you want it to be installed.

Set the WXWIN environment variable

If you used the installer, in addition to installing the wxWidgets source files, it also automatically adds a WXWIN environment variable on your system pointing to the location where you installed wxWidgets. If you didn't use the installer, it is highly recommended that you do so by hand. You will need to setup WXWIN to the full location where you installed wxWidgets to (e.g. C:\wx\wx288). To do so see Adding an Environment Variable under Windows.


You can also get wxWidgets from SVN :

svn checkout wxWidgets-svn

This sample command will get the unstable trunk. You can then update with command svn up (explaining in depth how SVN works is beyond the scope of this document)

If you are under Windows, copy include\wx\msw\setup0.h to include\wx\msw\setup.h (this is only relevant when using SVN)