Possible Configure Flags under OS X

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For a list of all possible configure flags, run ../configure --help.

The following are common ones:

configure flag Description
--enable-universal_binary Gives you a universal binary running on ppc and i386 OS X variants.
--with-macosx-version-min For specifing the minimal supported OS X version, eg. --with-macosx-version-min=10.4.
--with-macosx-sdk For specifing which SDK you want to build against, the maximum system whose API you want to benefit from, ie it can run on newer systems, but newer APIs would not be used, eg --with-macosx-sdk=/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk.
--with-opengl Enables OpenGL support.
--enable-debug Build the library with debug support (recommended for development phase of your product)
--disable-shared Builds static libraries. (note: Linking your own applications against dynamic libraries is quicker than against static ones.)(note 2 : do not combine with monolithic)
--enable-unicode Builds wxWidgets with Unicode support.
--enable-monolithic Packages everything in a single file. (Do not combine with static build).

Note 1 : If you are on OS X 10.5 and wish that your application runs on 10.4, pass flags --with-macosx-version-min=10.3.9 --with-macosx-sdk=/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk, and make sure to build your Xcode project by following instructions described in the Creating Xcode projects for wxWidgets applications article (you will need to change a few settings about symbol visibility). To make it work on PPC 10.4 systems, just add --enable-universal_binary

Note 2 : If you have installed lipng, libjpg, etc., wxWidgets will depend on them. If you installed any of these libraries and still want wxWidgets to be self-contained in order to ease distibution, pass the following flags:

  • --with-libjpeg=builtin
  • --with-libpng=builtin
  • --with-regex=builtin
  • --with-libtiff=builtin
  • --with-zlib=builtin
  • --with-expat=builtin

Note 3 : It has been reported that it's possible to make an app built against the 10.5 SDK run on 10.4 by doing export LDFLAGS='-flat_namespace' before building wxWidgets (Why would one want to do that, I don't know...)