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(For a more up-to-date guide, please see CodeBlocks Setup Guide.)

Code::Blocks 10.05

Build wxWidgets if you haven't already done this.

cd wxWidgets (or whatever the folder with the source is called)
mkdir buildGTK
cd buildGTK

We'll use the minimal project from the samples folder.

cd samples/minimal

How to create a wxWidget sample app using CodeBlocks

  • create an empty wxWidget project with the wizard
  • right click the project in the management pane
  1. choose "Properties"
  2. check "This is a custom makefile"
  3. verify the makefiles-name (should be 'Makefile' in this case)
  4. make sure the execution folder point to where the makefile is
  5. close the "Properties" dialog

Note: path should be under the buildgtk folder i.e ../wxWidgets/buildgtk/samples/minimal

  • right click the project in the management pane
  1. choose "Build options"
  2. open the "Make commands" tab (rightmost)
  3. fix the make commands (most likely need to remove '$target')
  4. close the dialog
  • right click the project in the management pane
  1. click "Add files" or "Add files recursively"
  2. add the files you want to your project
  • right click on project properties
  1. select the "Build targets" tab
  2. correct the execution working folder to point to location of binary
  3. correct the output filename field to contain either a relative path or absolute path with filename
  • save your project (via menu, context menu or ALT+SHIFT+S)

You should be able to build, run and debug the minimal sample app using CB.

Code::Blocks 8.02

This one is pretty simple and works almost out of the box assuming that you already have set up wxWidgets and confirmed its function by typing wx-config --libs in a terminal. If it lists its libraries it's working, if it's spitting an error it, obviously, is not.

Create a new project, choose wxWidgets project.

Then go to Project -> Build options and replace whatever the wizard generated in both, Debug and Release -> Compiler settings -> Other options with

`wx-config --cxxflags`

and Debug/Release -> Linker settings -> Other linker options with

`wx-config --libs`

You can also set your global settings to use this. You can do this by going to Settings -> Compiler and Debugger and doing the configuration there. This way you don't have to reconfigure every single project you do.

Code::Blocks SVN Version

This one is pretty simple and works almost out of the box assuming that you already have set up wxWidgets and confirmed its function by typing wx-config --libs in a terminal. If it lists its libraries it's working, if it's spitting an error it obviously is not.

Create a new project, choose wxWidgets project.

Then go to Project -> Build options and replace whatever the wizard generated in both, Debug and Release -> Compiler settings -> Other options with

`wx-config --cflags`

and Debug/Release -> Linker settings -> Other linker options with

`wx-config --libs`

You should be all set now :).