Carbon Code To Open URLs On WxMac

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Carbon Code To Open URLs On WxMac

(Credits to Aj Lavin)

 #ifdef __WXMAC__                                                        
 #include <Carbon/Carbon.h>                                              
 bool openUrl( const wxString& url)                                      
 #if defined( __WXMAC__)                                                 
   ICInstance icInstance;                                                
   OSType psiSignature = '????';                                         
   OSStatus error = ICStart( & icInstance, psiSignature );               
   if ( error != noErr )                                                 
       return false;                                                     
   ConstStr255Param hint = 0;                                            
   long length = url.Length();                                           
   long start = 0;                                                       
   long end = length;                                                    
   ICLaunchURL( icInstance, hint, url.c_str(), length, & start, & end);  
   ICStop( icInstance );
   return true;                                                 
   // *** Put your favorite wxMSW and wxGTK implementations here.        
   return false; // Not implemented                                      

(Note thanks to Stefan Csomor)

and if you need it to work on non-carbon target, you may have to add

 #if !TARGET_CARBON                                                      
       err = ICFindConfigFile(icInstance, 0, nil);

in front of the ICLaunchUrl


IC=Internet Control Panel.

See and for full documentation (under Programmer documents)