Reading text from a file

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Here's a small code snippet showing how you can read read text from a file

#include <wx/textfile.h>
wxString        file;
wxFileDialog    fdlog(this);

// show file dialog and get the path to
// the file that was selected.
if(fdlog.ShowModal() != wxID_OK) return;
file = fdlog.GetPath();

wxString        str;

// open the file
wxTextFile      tfile;

// read the first line
str = tfile.GetFirstLine();
processLine(str); // placeholder, do whatever you want with the string

// read all lines one by one
// until the end of the file
    str = tfile.GetNextLine();
    processLine(str); // placeholder, do whatever you want with the string

Another way : see

Yet another way, with streaming (for bigger files) :

#include <wx/wfstream.h>
#include <wx/txtstrm.h>

wxFileInputStream input(wxT("c:\\somefile.txt"));
wxTextInputStream text(input, wxT("\x09"), wxConvUTF8 );
while(input.IsOk() && !input.Eof() )
  wxString line=text.ReadLine();
  // do something with the string

And now a small example of how to write a text file

#include <wx/textfile.h>
wxTextFile file( wxT("/path/to/my_file.txt") );

file.AddLine( wxT("Hello world") );
file.AddLine( wxT("This is wxTextFile") );
