Embedding PNG Images-Bin2c In Perl

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A note - I tried this with a PNG image and got an error upon import: "PNG image corrupted by ASCII conversion." This did not occur with the C version.

This indicates that Unix linefeeds (LF) have been quietly converted to DOS-style newlines (CRLF). Reading the input in binary mode should fix this, but unfortunately I don't know Perl well enough to do this myself. Perl gurus: does a binmode FILE; after the first open fix this problem?

# The name of the file
$file = $ARGV[0];

# The name of the image is the body of the input path
($name)  = ($file =~ m!(\w+)\.\w+$!);

# The output file name is the name of the file with the .h extension
($ofile = $file)  =~ s/\.\w+$//; $ofile .= ".h";

print "Converting image $name from $file to $ofile\n";

# Slurp all the input
undef $/;
open(FILE, "$file") || die "unable to open $file\n";
$in = <>;
close FILE;

# Open output file
open(FILE, ">$ofile") || die "unable to open $ofile for writing\n";

# Create an array of unsigned chars from input
@chars = unpack "C*", $in;

# Output
print FILE "// Automatically generated by embendimg. Not modify.\n";
print FILE "#ifndef __EMBEDIMG_${name}\n";
print FILE "#define __EMBEDIMG_${name}\n\n";
print FILE "unsigned char ${name}_img[] = {\n  ";

foreach $char (@chars) {
	printf FILE "0x%02x", $char;
	last if $i == $#chars;
	print FILE ((++$i % 13) ? ", " : ",\n  ");

print FILE "\n};\n\n#endif\n";
close FILE;